There's a couple of important reasons as to why we're doing memberships available before we've even opened, firstly the interest is very positive and making them available now gives the opportunity for local people to definitely make sure that they will get a membership. As we get nearer to opening the coverage is going to be greater and therefore we can assume that so is the interest. At the moment it's all very local so only fair that locals can have the first refusal on memberships. The second reason is that founder membership funding will be all important contributions to development costs, so not only are early members guaranteeing membership but also satisfyingly knowing that their contribution is a proud, building block within the development of Britain's oldest and best heated outdoor pool. Grand stuff.
For details on memberships, and there's lots of different ones available to suit all, visit our web site http://www.cliftonlido.com/ memberships at the bottom of the home page.
Since the open day and with good old word of mouth membership applications have been hitting the desk almost every day, which is very encouraging. How long left until we reach the 1000 allocations?...
For details on memberships, and there's lots of different ones available to suit all, visit our web site http://www.cliftonlido.com/ memberships at the bottom of the home page.
Since the open day and with good old word of mouth membership applications have been hitting the desk almost every day, which is very encouraging. How long left until we reach the 1000 allocations?...