Thursday, 18 October 2007

Doors Open Day

After a frantically busy open day at the Lido last month organised as a Bristol open doors day by the city council it became very apparent very quickly ( in about 2 and a half hours) that there is already a lot of interest in the Lido. The council for warned us before the open doors day that as one of the bigger sites in Bristol participating that we could probably expect over 1000 visitors. Humbug we thought, humbled we were. After an hour and a half the 500 'blurb' leaflets that we had printed had all been snapped up. Off I sped to get another 1000 copies printed and they went just as quick. On a gloriously sunny Saturday afternoon, over 2500 people turned up to look around this building site. We fully realised the seriousness of interest when the Lord Mayor of Bristol turned up for an impromptu visit. He approved.
After a day of answering questions to what seemed like the world and his wife, it became apparent that there were two main questions, 1. When will it be ready and 2. how can I join??

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